Research topics


Research topics

Ventilation & Tunnel Safety

As early as the late 1960s, research in vehicle emissions and thermodynamics had resulted in the design of ventilation systems for road tunnels. In the meantime, the department has become a highly recognized institution when it comes to ventilation and safety issues relating to road and rail tunnels, metro lines, and complex subsurface parking facilities.

Koralm Eisenbahntunnel

Urban Air Quality & Pollution Dispersion

The institute is one of the major research institutions for vehicle emissions under real world driving conditions. However, emissions are only one part of the story. The impact of these emissions is what really matters. Hence, knowledge of emissions was combined with knowledge of dispersion processes in the atmosphere (thermo- and aerodynamics). There is also a strong focus on urban regions, where road traffic is a major polluter.

Brandversuche Andelfingen

Measurement Technology

In accordance with the major areas of research activity, measurement technology focuses, on the one hand, on the monitoring of airborne pollutants and related meteorological parameters, and on the other hand, on the parameters related to aero- and thermodynamics.