
The research area Design (Special drives and energy converters) conducts research and development of engines, engine-gear units and exhaust aftertreatment systems for small-volume and high-performance internal combustion engines. The focus is on special applications such as two-wheelers, recreation vehicles, small utility vehicles and hand-held work and garden equipment. Both classical combustion engines as well as hybrid drive trains and electric drives are investigated. The tasks range from conception, design, layout and experimental development through to support during series production. In addition to the drives, thermodynamic and experimental investigations are also used to research and develop various concepts for energy converters, e.g. for waste heat utilization. Another focus is the application of alternative, COs neutral fuels.

In cooperation with industry and cooperation partners, the consistent application of concurrent engineering significantly shortens research and development times and improves the quality of results. The development of measurement methods and software significantly support this process.