On-Board Measurement Systems

Für On-Board-Messungen stehen verschiedene Systeme für PKW, Leichte Nutzfahrzeuge (LNF), Schwere Nutzfahrzeuge und Baumaschinen zur Verfügung. On-Board-Messungen für die Marktüberwachung (In-Service Conformity) können ebenfalls durchgeführt werden



System: AVL MOVE incl. PN PEMS
Measured species: CO2, CO, NO2, NO, THC (for HDV) as well as particle number
Exhaust gas mass flow: Exhaust Gas Mass Flow Meter (EFM)
Data recording: Data logger for recording emission data and other cycle-relevant information such as speeds, temperatures, air pressure, humidity, GPS Position and ECU data



System: IAG OFS
Gemessene Abgaskomponenten: Acetylene, Acetaldehyde, 1,3 Butadiene, Butane, COS, CH4, CO2, CO, Ethane, Ethylene, Formaldehyde, Formic Acid, H2O, Methanol, N2O, NH3, NMHC, NOx (NO/NO2), Propane, Propylene, SO2, THC
Abgasmassenstrom: Exhaust Gas Mass Flow Meter (EFM)
Datenaufzeichnung: Data logger for recording emission data and other cycle-relevant information such as speeds, temperatures, air pressure, humidity, GPS Position and ECU data


DTT PN Measurement System

System: DownToTen PN Measurement System
Gemessene Abgaskomponenten: PN10, PN23 if required, dilution and sampling system with/without heated catalytic stripper for solid or total particel number measurment
Abgasmassenstrom: Exhaust Gas Mass Flow Meter (EFM)
Datenaufzeichnung: Data logger for recording emission data and other cycle-relevant information such as speeds, temperatures, air pressure, humidity, GPS Position and ECU data


Download testbed description as PDF

The test systems are operated in cooperation between the Graz University of Technology and FVT mbH.