Chassis Dynamometer for Light Duty Vehicles

Technische Daten

Braking Power 200kW asynchronous motor 48" roll
Max. Speed: 200 km/h  
Vehicle Mass: up to 3500kg
Temperatur: adjustable from -30°C to +40°C
CVS Flow Rate: 6, 10 oder 20 m³/min
Adjustable Humidity  

Full test bench description as PDF-file.


Modes of Operation

The dynamometer can be run in stationary and transient operation. Both braking and towing operation is possible.

Stationary Operation

 Constant traction or constant driving speed

Transient Operation

 Simulation of driving resistance forces according to actual vehicle speed and acceleration based on settings for vehicle mass and load road parameters.


Exhaust Gas Analysis

  • Full lfow CVS system
  • Exhaust gas analysis AVL (AMA i60)
  • Bag values and modal emissions (max. 2Hz)
  • FTIR for non-regulated exhaust gas components
  • Particle Number

This testbed is operated in cooperation between Graz University of Technology and FVT mbh.